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Missed the last note? I'm building the ultimate guide to ZSV keywords here:

ZSV Keywords: how to Find Zero Search Volume Keywords that Generate Traffic

Today's note comes from Koray Tuğberk Gübür, folllow Koray here:




Also! Koray is in the midst of developing a course and he is soliciting questions about semantic SEO here:

Semantic SEO Course Announcement: Ask Questions & Be a Contributor for Semantic SEO Course

From Koray: I will try to add two small sections to your Notebook, since it should be brief, I will try to summarize "the importance of zero search volume queries", and "how to find them".

"Queries with no search demand can show the unique value of a source on the web. A semantic search engine can generate "synthetic queries" to understand the relevance of different phrase variations to each other to improve the overall quality of the SERP. If a "synthetic query" is relevant to other queries, even if there is no search demand, the search engine calls it "seed query" in its patents, to signal its importance for guidance. Most query demand tracking technologies use "ClickStream" technology, thus they miss the real value of minor-rare queries.

In this context, Queries with no search demand and Queries that look like with no search demand are not the same thing. Even if a query doesn't have a proper search demand, it can increase the relevance of the document to dominant and minor search intents.